Nornickel’s Strategic Vision
Key focus areas and targets of Nornickel’s sustainability strategy through 2030
Nornickel is aware that sustainable development is impossible without an efficient holistic approach to managing natural resources that would respect the interests of all stakeholders. As one example, our customers have high standards that we need to meet in terms of compliance with international principles and sustainability standards. On top of that, the Company is engaged in ongoing dialogue with shareholders, non-governmental organisations, local communities and other stakeholders, among other things on management of climate-related risks to help achieve SDG 13 Climate Action. Sustainability agenda is among the key drivers that we are guided by when planning strategic initiatives and investment projects.
In terms of resource base development, our strategy focuses on production upgrades, maximum utilisation of existing mining and concentration capacities, and development of the South ClusterSouth Cluster is Nornickel’s project to develop reserves in the northern part of the Norilsk-1 deposit..
To reduce our environmental footprint, we carry on with our major Sulphur Programme.
After we finished its stage on the Kola Peninsula in 2021, sulphur dioxide emissions of the Kola Division went down 90% in 2022 compared to the 2015 baseline.
In 2023, the Company is to complete the first stage at Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant in the Norilsk Industrial District, which will reduce sulphur dioxide emissions at Polar Division by 45% vs 2015. While our unprecedented programme to cut down on sulphur dioxide emissions into the air of the Norilsk Industrial District is set to deliver meaningful improvements in the quality of life of local communities, the process to neutralise sulphuric acid with limestone associated with the production and disposal of gypsum (non-hazardous waste) will inevitably lead to higher GHG emissions. To account for that, the Company has already created a respective provision in its total GHG emissions. Environmental footprint reduction delivered as part of the Sulphur Programme is extremely important for Russian regions and the nation in general: it is the key initiative of Russia’s Clean Air federal project. The Company continues looking into ways to minimise the climate impact associated with the Sulphur Programme, including by considering alternative options of utilising sulphuric acid in other sectors (such as manufacturing, fertilizers, or production of auxiliary inert materials) without having to neutralise it and store gypsum in a geographically remote and isolated region.
The Company also plans to upgrade its energy infrastructure as a way to enhance the reliability of energy supplies to its production assets in the long run, and goes ahead with energy efficiency initiatives as a way to help reduce the carbon footprint of production.
Climate change strategy
The Company's climate change vision is outlined in a number of documents approved by the Board of Directors.
The key corporate documents on climate change include:
- Environmental and Climate Change Strategy;
- Climate Change Policy;
- Environmental Policy;
- Renewable Energy Sources Policy.
There are several areas where Nornickel contributes to climate change efforts.
Supporting global energy transition
A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)IPCC, 2023: Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, H. Lee and J. Romero (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 184 pp., doi: 10.59327/IPCC/AR6-9789291691647. shows that achievement of the Paris Agreement goal will require a drastic reduction in GHG emissions by 2050. Energy, transport, and construction were identified as industries with the strongest potential to reduce their GHG emissions.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) identified the following metals and minerals as critical for the global energy transition.
Source: IEA
Relative importance of metals and minerals for various clean energy technologies:
PGM — platinum group metals;
REE — rare earth elements.
Position in the industryFor palladium, nickel, platinum, and rhodium markets — in terms of refined metals production (including tolling arrangements), for the copper market — in terms of mining.
Proven and probable ore reservesA decrease in ore reserves and inferred resources in the Norilsk Industrial District mainly ensued from the impact a change in economic parameters and a new MET rate had had on the feasibility of developing a portion of disseminated ore from the Talnakh Ore Cluster after 2035.
Nornickel is also expanding its product portfolio by developing innovative products to support the low-carbon transition (for more details, please see the Product Portfolio Diversification section).
Nornickel seeks to retain its status as one of the lowest GHG emitters (Scope 1 and 2) among globally diversified mining companies (for more details, please see the Greenhouse Gas Emissions section). To that end, the Company takes steps to implement energy saving technology and upgrade energy infrastructure assets. Also, Nornickel aims to increase the share of renewable energy in its energy mix.
For indirect GHG emissions, the Company is building a responsible supply chain. The first step was the adoption of the Supplier Code of Conduct, which sets out Nornickel’s requirements to suppliers, including as regards reductions in GHG emissions. In the short term, the Company plans to include questions on GHG emissions into its supplier questionnaires.
R&D to support the Company's decarbonisation in the long run
To reduce GHG emissions in the longer term, Nornickel and the academic community conduct joint research into prospective low-carbon technologies and solutions. As part of these efforts, in 2022 we analysed potential pathways for our power generating facilities until 2050 using low-carbon solutions.
Nornickel is also developing new approaches to the implementation of nature-based solutions to climate change.
Climate change adaptation
Nornickel’s assets are located in regions heavily affected by climate change. The Company assumes that despite the steps taken by the global community to cut down on GHG emissions, there are inevitable changes to be suffered by the environment across the geographies where we operate.
To adapt to existing and potential climate change impacts, the Company is developing procedures to identify and assess climate-related risks.
Nornickel is running a major project to monitor buildings and structures built on permafrost in the Norilsk Industrial District.